Test your knowledge
Note on Tasks
Before completing the Tasks, please work through each of the sub-pages for Tutorial 3 as these will help complete the task below.
For the task below we will be using the following dataset:
Skoczylis, Joshua, 2021, "Extremism, Life Experiences and the Internet", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ICTI8T, Harvard Dataverse, Version 3.
You will also use the Twitter dataset you have created.
Task 1: Correlation Matrix
Come up with a number of Hypotheses and alternative Hypotheses that looks at the following variables:
Age, Political Engagement, Confidence_inSelf, and Household_Income.
Now use a correlations matrix to test your hypotheses:
Select the correct Correlation Coefficient.
Interpret the results (which correlations are/are not significant)?
Task 2: One Sample proportion tests
We know that 50.59% of the UK population are females. Using the appropriate One Sample proportion test check the following hypothesis:
H0: There is no difference between the proportion of females in the sample and the UK population.
Ha: There is a significant difference between the proportion of females in the sample and the UK population.
Do we accept/reject the Null hypothesis? Why?
Task 3: Contigency Table
Come up with some relevant hypotheses using the following three variables: Gender, Highest Qualification, and Violence_effective_respect.
Test your hypotheses using a Contingency Table.
Make sure you select the correct Measures of Association
Where are the significant relationships?
Try to interpret the table using column/row percentages
Convert Social Media Use into a Nominal variable with the following three categories:
Low Social Media Use
Average Social Media Use
High Social Media Use
Use the transform function to create this new variable (Hint: use the percentiles to divide the Social Media variable into the three categories - get the Quartiles using descriptive statistics)
Now come up with a hypothesis that uses this new variable, gender, and Violence_Effective_respect. Test your hypothesis using a Contingency Table
Make sure to select the correct Measures of Associations
Try to interpret the table using column/row percentages
Next: Tutorial 3 - Test of difference