
Test your knowledge

Note on Tasks

Before completing the Tasks, please work through each of the sub-pages for Tutorial 4 as these will help complete the task below.

For the task below we will be using the following dataset:

Skoczylis, Joshua, 2021, "Extremism, Life Experiences and the Internet", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ICTI8T, Harvard Dataverse, Version 3.

Task 1: Independent T-Test or non-parametric equivalent

Formulate a hypothesis and alternative hypothesis that allows you to test whether there is a difference in the Strain/Resilience Score between men and women. 

Now answer the following:

Finally, generate a graph that illustrates your outcome (consider using JJStats Plot, Survey Plot or Flexplot)

Task 2: ANOVAs or non-parametric equivalent

Formulate a hypothesis and alternative hypothesis that allows you to test what impact education has on a person's Racism Score. 

Now answer the following:

Now generate a graph to illustrate your output (consider using JJStats Plot, Survey Plot or Flexplot).

Task 3: Factorical ANOVA

For the final task, formulate a hypothesis that allows you to test the impact of Gender and Religious Affiliation on a person's self-confidence score. 

Note: Consider reducing the options for the religion variable by creating a new variable with fewer options. 

Now answer the following:

Now generate a graph to illustrate your output (consider using JJStats Plot, Survey Plot or Flexplot).