Test your knowledge
Note on Tasks
Before completing the Tasks, please work through each of the sub-pages for Tutorial 6 as these will help complete the task below.
For the task below we will be using the following dataset:
Skoczylis, Joshua, 2021, "Extremism, Life Experiences and the Internet", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ICTI8T, Harvard Dataverse, Version 3.
Task 1: Linear Regression
Use a Linear Regression to test the following hypothesis:
H0: There is no correlation between Age and Social Racism
Ha: There is a significant relationship between Age and Racism
Can this model be improved upon? Use Block-wise-entry to improve this model and answer the following questions:
What other variables could explain people's racism score?
Discuss the outputs of your linear regression with other students.
Now that you have seen the output, check your assumptions
Are they met? If no, what are your alternatives?
Task 2: Logistic Regression
Take your Racism score and transform it into a ordinal/nominal variable
What is your rational for transforming the variable in the way you are?
Now run a Logistic Regression with this new variable as your dependent variable.
What other variables explain a high racism score?
Interpret the results of your Logistic Regression.